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Attaining a list of keywords is easier than knowing what to do with them

Just like writing any great content, you need to know your targeted audience pretty well in order to be successful. These are the people you know will be most interested in your service or product and will most likely convert into sales. A lot of SEOs will tell you to fix the foundation of your website, meaning the template. I think content is the foundation of the website and your template(s) should serve that content. SEO marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefit. When I am reading articles, therefore a potential consumer, I have no idea whether a link is follow or nofollow. Clearly, a huge majority of people will not have the slightest idea that such a distinction exists! If I am intrigued by what is written about your product or service, I will click. If I really like what I see on your site, I may buy. The type of link will not be in my thoughts. While there plenty of differences between SEO and content marketing, there are also many areas where they overlap. Taking advantage of this overlap and using it in your website is the quickest way to get more people to visit your site.

Attaining a list of keywords is easier than knowing what to do with them

Whenever doing a website redesign, I think it’s so important to reassess the purpose of each page. If you don’t learn anything from the page, neither will your viewers! Building out a navigation map that takes SEO into consideration will save you a lot of heartache throughout your project! Websites that receive many inbound links can be more likely to rank higher in search engines. Basically, inbound links tell site crawlers that your website is an authority on a certain subject -- so the more inbound links you have from high quality, high authority sites, the better your website can rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). All search engines deliver results based on relevancy and popularity, but how they determine what’s relevant is what differentiates them from each other. All search engines crawl and index the web, but each have their own algorithms (super complex systematical equations) for ordering the information. If you’re new to the SEO game it's easy to be fooled into thinking that once you get the basics down it’s easy peasy, especially when you have a few small successes right away – you’ll get an inflated sense of ego and think “I got this!”. Many small business owners balk at video marketing because they think that their business isn’t “video worthy”. But if lawyers and instant coffee brands can have a YouTube channel there’s no reason you can’t either. Even better than the traffic you get from video websites are the high-quality backlinks from high PageRank authority websites.

Enhance Your Outreach Strategy

All Javascript and CSS files on your site must be unblocked. That means Google must be able to access those files so that it can see the site as a normal visitor does. There are many subtle nuances to the mechanics of semantic search, but ultimately what it means for you is that an authoritative page that dives into one specific topic in-depth will usually rank better than dozens of pages built around different keywords. A social media following shows that the website has an audience who want to hear more. The website you are targeting would want to share their new posts to their audience on social media, promoting your website at the same time. What’s more is that if you’re in the same niche as the website, their audience are more likely to enjoy your content and start following you too. Keyword research can be done using free tools. Choose three primary keywords and have a list of others to target. When you improve those keywords, choose three more. Push your content to your social media profiles by integrating it with your blog, but don’t do it in a manner that’s “me, me, me” share other things too. Link reclamation can help you get fresh links by finding broken links to your site and having the publisher fix them.

Local SEO vs traditional advertising – which is better?

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Keyword mapping involves hierarchically classifying the keywords pertinent to your website by intent, relevance and significance, then segmenting them still further into groups and subgroups. The aim is to reach a point where each keyword you use can be closely associated with a single, specific page on your website, which should contain content that closely matches the keyword. " One of the problems international businesses continuously need to address is identifying themselves as “local” in the eyes of the search engines. Though you can simply just add a tracking code to your web pages for website analytics tools to start measuring your web stats, Google Analytics (and products similar to it) have website plugins and add-ons that tremendously expand the reporting capabilities. As brands across industries continue to see the impact that organic search can have on their growth, search engine optimization has come from humble beginnings to become a recognized strategic field of marketing. The algorithm responsible for taking the world’s information and organizing it into (usually) 10 entries is, as you likely know, complicated.

Think hard about sharing

What we need to understand is that search engine optimization begins with the simplest of foundations: Create a Website that is easy to crawl, index, and match to queries people use. From that foundation we build greater complexity into our optimization methods and practices. Where appropriate, you should add localization. This is extremely important to businesses who offer products and services to a specific geographic region. Google Panda and Penguin stopped keyword stuffing in its tracks making it not just not ideal but counter productive. The world is always changing, and you have to keep up. If you do, the rewards can be great. In organic search, you don’t have to continually pay to be seen, and once you’ve reached the first page of Google (and you have quality content and a trustworthy site), you’ll often stick there for a long period of time (depending on the amount of competition).

Increase the likelihood of visitors to your site returning again

Creating descriptive categories and filenames for the documents on your website can not only help you keep your site better organized, but it could also lead to better crawling of your documents by search engines. Also, it can create easier, "friendlier" URLs for those that want to link to your content. A common way to judge the reputation of a website is to check its Domain Authority (DA). DA is a score (on a 100-point scale) developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engines. A site’s DA can grow over time, like a lifelong reputation. A backlink from a high DA website to your own is a strong indicator of your own authority on a topic. For instance,, a news site which is trusted the world over has a very high DA of 95. A backlink from a site like this would be powerful for your backlink profile. Mobile devices have obviously exploded and Google has emphasized the optimizing websites for mobile users. By 2015 mobile search queries surpassed desktop ones – a seismic event in the evolution of search that can not be overstated in terms of significance. Optimizing for mobile devices is now nothing less than required. Its mobile-friendly ranking update came in two significant roll outs to date. Similar to your title tags, meta descriptions are a simple, but highly effective way to improve your SEO. Meta descriptions are used to generate the small paragraph of text that appears below a page’s title in the search results. Truly though, having a blog with built-in social sharing and as-you-type SEO recommendations definitely helps. With or without that kind of technology, however, there are some steps you can take to leverage the growing use of social search.