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Create Images That Attract Inbound Links

Keyword research should be the starting point for any SEO campaign. Why? Because if you don’t know what people are actually searching for in your niche, you’ll be relying on luck—rather than data—to guide your decisions. SEO isn’t a quick tactic that will suddenly boost traffic to your website; it’s a long-term commitment, Many specialized SEO tools can help you determine the popularity and the competitiveness of your possible keywords and can help improve your search engine ranking particularly in Google. A major consideration when creating internal backlinks is how you link different assets together. With all that said…SEO is still all about content and links. Without amazing content, you’ll never get links. And without links, you won’t crack the first page.

Audit Your Site To Improve It’s Performance

Onpage optimization (AKA on-page SEO) refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. Analyzing content alone is not real SEO. Making a deliverable look pretty for a client is not SEO. The ability to measure the success of your SEO efforts is crucial. Tracking and managing your website’s data can be done through Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Paid links are like paying someone to be your wingman to impress a girl rather than having a genuine friend by your side who can vouch for how great you really are! Search engines place a lot of weight on the content of each web page. After all, it is this content that defines what a page is about, and the search engines do a detailed analysis of each web page they find during a crawl to help make that determination

The most time consuming aspect is coding changes to the site

Write legible, readable copy, and treat the meta description as if it’s an advert for your web-page By limiting your SEO efforts to Google, you might be missing out on some great opportunities for small business growth. Gut, brain, intuition, emotional intelligence, whatever you want to call it, humans can’t be beat for determining relevance. Why do you need a Freelance SEO Consultant Looking at statistics behind applicable keywords will reveal traffic rates and competition levels, helping you better understand the terms and topics that most interest your prospects. Google is getting better and better at recognizing content that truly is useful to people.

Search Console shows your average position for each keyword

We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "The days of hiring freelancers to create hundreds of small keyword-stuffed articles are over." Look for pages that have excessive links. Google advises 100 per page as a maximum, although it is OK to increase that on more important and heavily linked-to pages. Duplicate content is content that appears in more than one place online. When there are multiple pieces of identical content, it's difficult for search engines to decide which version is more relevant to a given search query. It’s easy to assume that Google already understands the content and relevance of each and every page on your website, but the fact is that it needs a fair amount of hand-holding. Fortunately, helping Google along really isn’t very difficult at all. Even if the social search playing field hasn’t been completely defined yet, one of the key takeaways from the early actions of Google, Bing, and Facebook is that as marketers, we need to start seeing our search engine optimization strategy and our social media strategy as utterly intertwined.

Create Images That Attract Links

There are many different ways of creating new content. In addition to text, web content also includes images, videos, graphics, and audio files. Play around with different content styles in a variety of formats -- blog posts, site pages, webinars, videos, etc. Make the most of the diversity of options out there! Users appreciate variety. By continuing to create quality content that provides immense value to the searcher and satisfies their original search (whether that’s answering a question, listing ideas, educating the reader, etc.), you’ll be well on your way to creating content that search engines want to see and provide to searchers. Essentially, the higher CTR you have, and the more user experience your site receives, the higher the Google rankings. Links help search engines connect the relevancy of a page with specific keywords -- based on the keywords that are used in a link’s anchor text. Using your focus keyword in the headline can also be a good idea, but don’t try too hard to include it. Use power words and avoid redundancy to create a clear and appealing result. Aim for a headline of 55-60 characters, as this is what Google will display on the SERP.

Long Tail and SEO

Although the top-level domain isn’t necessarily considered a factor, some people believe obtaining a link from .edu or .gov domains can carry more weight than others. This may be because these sorts of websites have high authority anyway. Use an online tool to help you come up with more keyword and topic ideas, based on some of your preliminary ideas. SEO isn’t just for large companies. As a small business or local business, there is actually a lot you can do to achieve local goals yourself. Many of these things relate to focus. The sheer apparent complexity of SEO is enough to turn some people away entirely. User signals are behavioral patterns of users which Google uses to establish the rankings of your website in the search results. For instance: users click on a result in the search engines and after that, they immediately bounce back to Google. This is a signal that the website does not fit the search query of the user.