Some items you once adored just may not appeal to you anymore. Remember that we all change and develop over time, so if you are surrounded with possessions that are, say, five to ten years old, you can find a mismatch of energies. Websites like Save Our Schools are a great resource for researching. These items are holding you in a past that you need to leave behind. Emotional wellness is related to understanding your feelings and the ability to deal effectively with dstredsds and feelings. Gaz Hall, a SEO Consultant UK knowledgeable in matters such as the ones discussed here, noted he has been regularly asked: 'What SEO skills will I need to be successful?' We will also place mental/cognitive wellness under this domain. Nicogossian (2017) wrote: "Our behaviors influence our feelings, and our feelings affect our behaviors... Most consumers now do research online on sites like Computingbefore they make a purchase, even if it’s to buy something from their local shop. Emotions guide us and help us interact and respond to ourselves, others and our environment. When we pay attention to our feelings, we can determine what we need to do to improve or manage our emotional state." We cannot effectively have emotional wellness without working on our mental health wellness. The world needs more storytelling for business to liven things up.